You are mine, Only mine (Chapter 14)

~ Your POV ~

5 years Later.....

It's been five years since I ran away from Luhan. five years that I lived without him. Mrs.Oh and Sehun helped me by moving to Busan because If we continue to live in Seoul, Luhan will found me easily. But I think he probably happy without me and the only one thing that I want to thanks him is..
“ Umma!! ” a cute a little girl ran towards me with the most beautiful smile on her face. Yes, I want to thank him for the best gift that he gave me, the best gift of my life. Lumie, my daughter and my life. I told Luhan before I'll name her Lu Cie but I changed my mind because Mrs.Oh and Sehun prefer Lu Mie. Well, I'm kind enough to gave her his last
“ Yes, sweetie? ” I bend on my knees to face her.

“ My teacher told me to give this to you. ” She said and handed me a letter. I spent a good 2 minutes to read it and my heart started to beating fast after I finished.
“ What is it umma? ” Lumie titled her head cutely.
“ The letter said Lumie is going to Seoul to perform with her piano. ” I try to smile while telling her.
“ Jinja?! But.. umma said before that we can't go to seoul... ” She made an excited face at first but changed to sadly one immediately.
“ No, sweetie I just- ”
“ I'm home. ” a deep voice cut me off before I could finish my sentence.
“ Appa is home!! ” Lumie shouting in excited and then she ran to hug Sehun. Don't misunderstanding, Sehun and I just best friends. He just helped me to play the Appa role for Lumie. because we don't want to see her begin bullied at school.
“ What're you talking with umma? ” Sehun asked and kissed Lumie on the cheek lovingly.
“ We talked about go to Seoul! ”
Sehun changed from smile to confused one, he gave me a question look and I just gave back a nod.
“ Go to play with grandma okay? Appa and umma have something to talk. ”
“ Neh, Appa. ” Lumie nodded then get out the room leave me and Sehun in silence.
“ What dose she means that you and her talking about go to Seoul? ” Sehun broke the silent.
“ Here read this yourself. ” I handed him the same letter that Lunie gave me. After read it, his reaction just like mine.
“ What should we do Sehun? I don't want to go to Seoul. ” I said.
“ But It's Lumie's dream and I think she won't agree. if only me and her go to Seoul without you. ” Sehun said with a sigh.
“ I want to watch her first performing too.. ”
“ I know, What do you think now? Go or not? ” Sehun asked.
I took a deep breath and answer.
“ We going to Seoul. I think he probably forgot about me already and I don't want to ruin Lumie's dream. ” I said.
“ Are you sure? ”
“ Yes. ” I nodded. but inside of me is thought otherwise.

~ Luhan POV ~

I agreed to have a tea time with uncle Zhang, Yixing's father. And I can't believe that he chose a tea shop in the mall for the meeting. Only him dared to order me to come here and I'm on my way to meet him right now.
“ I'm okay, you don't need to come. ” I was on the phone with Chen while I walking.
“ Ahjussi, can you take that hat for me, please? ” suddenly, a small hand with a cute voice hold hem of my pants and that made me stopped my moving. I looked down and I found a cute little girl.
“ Uh, what? ” I asked awkwardly.
“ I said can you take that hat for me, please? ” She said again with her endless cute voice. She looks similar.
“ Oh okay. ” I nodded and took the hat that she wants and give it to her.
“ Thank you, Oh I forgot I don't have money how can I buy this hat for umma?! ” a little girl open her eyes widely with that she looks more adorable.
“ I'll buy it for you. ” I said with a smile and gave money to the staff.
“ Thanks again Ahjussi! Don't tell my umma okay? She doesn't like me talking to stranger. ” the girl put her forefinger on her lips and did a 'Shh' pose.
“ Okay little one, Can I ask what your name? ” I asked and patted her head completely forget about the meeting with uncle Zhang.
“ Oh right! how rude of me, Ahem ahem.. Oh LuMie imida!! and how about you Ahjussi? ”
“ Neh, Luhan imida. ” I said back.
“ Oh we have the same 'Lu'!! ” She said and clapping with a cutest smile that I missed everyday.
Jimin's smile. five years that I almost move and flip the whole Seoul city to find her but I can't find her even I went to her mother's home in Japan. I wondered what is she doing right now? Is she okay? What our daughter looks like? I really want to meet her and said sorry all from my heart but she hiding perfectly from me.
“ Ahjussi are you okay? ” The small voice bring me back to reality.
“ I'm okay. Where's your parents? ” I asked.
“ Oh right... where's my umma and appa? Ahjussi!! I-I think I- lost my umma.. ” She said and her eyes started watering.
“ Don't cry Lumie, I'll help to find your umma okay? ”
“ Neh! Ahjussi!! But now Can I get taro ice cream?”
“ Wow I like taro ice cream too, why not? ” I smiled at her.
I texted Uncle Zhang that I probably little late and then I took a Little Lumie to ice cream shop.

“ Two taro ice creams please. ” I told the staff while carrying Lumie.
“ Such a handsome Appa and cutie daughter. ” The staff said and gave our ice creams.
“ I'm not her appa. ” I said with a force smile. I rarely smile to someone. but now Lumie is with me and I don't want her to get scare because my expressionless face.
“ Don't lie, you guys look almost the same. I can say she's a mini you. ”
“ Oh thanks. ” I nodded and thinking about the staff's words.
Do we really look a like?
“ Lumie-ah let take a selfie! ” I said with a rarely cheerful tone.
“ Yay! I want to take selfie! ”
“ 1 2 3 say Kimchi! ” I counted as I positioned the phone in front of us.
“ Kimchi!! ”
I look at the photo that I just took with her and to my surprise Lumie exactly looks like me.
“ Lumie-ah how old are you? ” I asked. My heart beating fast for unknown reason.
“ Me? Hmm umma told me that I'm Fou-fiv- ” Lumie stopped when we heard
\ If you met a little girl name Lumie, please bring her to information office her parents are waiting blah blah blah  /
“ That's my name right Ahjussi? ” Lumie asked while licking her ice cream.
“ Yeah, Let's go.. your parents are waiting. ” I said and carried her again.
“ I'm gonna miss you uncle LuLu. We will meet again right? ” She said with a pouted.
“ Me too a little LuLu and Yes, we will meet again. ” I replied and kiss her on the cheek. I really like the sound that I called her a little LuLu and I wish she was my daughter.

~ Your POV ~

I sat in the information office  nervously waiting for someone that found Lumie with Sehun sat beside me.
“ It's okay Jimin-ah, Lumie will be okay. ” Sehun tried to comfort me many times but I still feeling worried.
“ But.. but.. ” Suddenly, I heard someone say.
“ Excuse me, I come here to return the little girl named Lumie who lost her parents. ”  Oh my god!! finally!!
“ Lumie!! ” I shouted and run to Lumie who stand near the man that found her. I didn't even  look at the man face but took a mentally note to thank him later.
“ Umma Appa!!! ” Lumie yelled back and run toward me.
“ Where did you go Lumie?! Umma worried about you so much!! ” I said as my tears falling because of joy.
“ I just want to buy you this hat.. I'm sorry Umma. ” Lumie apologized with a sad face as she shows me the hat.
“ It's okay sweetie. Umma just scared of losing you. ” I patted her hair gently hugging her tighter.
“ Finally, I found you. Lee Jimin... ” I froze when I heard a similar voice, I lifted my head up slowly secretly pray that it wasn't him but to my horror, It was him.
“ L-Luhan. ” I whispered his name with my heart beating so fast.
I knew this day will come, but I don't know that it comes this fast. I didn't prepare myself to meet him yet.
“ Yes, It's me. Long time to see huh? ” He said with an expressionless face and that made me shivered without reason.
“ Excuse me, I have to go. Let's go Sehun , Lumie. ” I said as I got up and took Lumie with me without look at his face.
“ Do you think you can go that easy? ” His words stopped me from moving. I took a deep breath before turned to face him.
“ I'm sorry. As I know, we didn't have anything to do with each other anymore. I can take my family whatever I want. ” I said and gave him a poker face but inside my heart filled with fears.
“ Your family? ” Luhan asked. And I can tell that he stared to angry.
“ Yes, my family. Sehun and I we got marri- wha!! ” before I have the chance to finish my sentence Luhan grabbed my hand and his face showed nothing but anger.
“ We need to talk. ” He said as he dragged me out of the information office.
“ Yah!! Let me go!! ” I yelled and look at Sehun for help.
“ Hey!! Hey!! let go of her!! ” Sehun shouted and tried to help me.
“ It's none of your business kid, go away!! ” Luhan yelled at Sehun and continue to dragging me.
“ Let g- ”
“ I have my limit, Jimin. Don't make me mad more than this. You knew what happens when I angry, right? ” He said with a serious tone. I shut my mouth automatically and let him drag me to wherever he wants. I don't have a choice.

“ Appa!! Why that cute ahjussi took umma away? ” Lumie who watched the said cute ahjussi dragging her umma.
“ Err.. Lumie-ah, Appa don't know too and that ahjussi isn't cute he's scary. ” Sehun said.
“ He doesn't look scary to me. He's cute. ” Lumie said with a cute smile of her.
“ .... ” Sehun just speechless.
“ Appa let's go to find umma and that Ahjussi!! What if he dose bad thing to umma?! ” Lumie said after she realized that her umma was dragged away by a stranger.
“ You don't have to tell me. ” Sehun said and carried Lumie.
“ I'm going meet Uncle LuLu again. Yay!! ” Lumie clapping her hands.
“ Seems like you didn't  worry about your umma at all. ”
“ No no! I'm really worried about umma!! ” the little girl protested by shook her head furiously.
“ Really? ”
“ Really. ” Lumie nodded.
“ Liar. ” Sehun said and pinch her cheeks lightly.
“ Appaaaaa. ” The a little girl whined when she got catch.

~ At Lu Mansion ~ 

We arrived at his mansion in 10 minutes, thanks to his furious driving.
“ Get off. ” He said.
“ If you want to talk. Talk here. ” I said still avoiding his eyes.
“ Fine. ” Luhan said and get off the car and walking towards my door before I get what he wants to do I was carried in the bridal style.
“ Yah!! Put me down!!!! ” I yelled loudly but Luhan just remind deaf.
“ Oppa you are ho- Ahh!! Jimin unnie!!! ” Minah shocked when she saw me.
“ M-Minah h-hi. ” I greeting her awkwardly.
“ H-how can you find unnie? ” Minah asked Luhan with her still shocking face.
“ The greeting time is over. Move Minah. ” Luhan said and due the shock Minah moved away from  the stairs immediately.
“ Yah!! We can talk in the living room!! ” I yelled.
“ The bedroom is better for what we going to talk. ” Luhan said with a smirk as he carried me to go upstairs.
“ W-What?! ”

A/N : Yes yes yeah, That's right. /nod to whatever you guys cmts.
Next Chapter is a Final.


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